Check-In Online with Phreesia
Premier Pain Treatment Institute is always working to improve your patient experience and streamline your office visits. We’re excited to announce that we’re now offering mobile check-in for all of our patients!
You can check in for your appointment online, on your own time, via a link we’ll send to you in an email or a text
message a few days before your visit. Look for a message from Phreesia, our partner in mobile check-in.
Mobile registration saves you time in our waiting room and ensures your information is always up to date. Plus,
you might be asked to answer some questions about your health, which will help your provider know what you’d
like to focus on during your appointments.
Please verify your cell phone number and email address with a member of our staff, and you can make your next
visit simpler and faster!
About Phreesia
We are excited to partner with Phreesia to provide a more convenient check-in experience for our patients.
We understand you may have questions—and we have answers! If your question is not answered here, feel free to reach out to our office.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is Phreesia?
A: Phreesia is a software company that automates
the patient check-in process and other administrative
functions for healthcare organizations like ours.
Phreesia allows you to check in for your appointments
online, rather than by filling out paperwork in the
waiting room.
In addition, healthcare organizations use Phreesia to:
• Screen patients for clinical risks and social needs
during check-in
• Remind patients to schedule routine appointments,
such as annual physicals, wellness visits and
preventive care
• Share announcements and educational healthcare
content with patients between appointments
Q. Why is PPTI using Phreesia?
A: We’re partnering with Phreesia to save you time
when arriving for your visit and to ensure that your
health records will always be up to date. With Phreesia,
we can improve your experience and provide care
more efficiently.
Q. Is the Phreesia system secure?
A: Yes. Phreesia provides industry-leading privacy
and security for our patients’ data.
For additional information about Phreesia’s security, click here.
Q. Do I need to use the new system for every appointment?
A: Yes. However, keep in mind that after your first time
using Phreesia, the system will save some information
you enter, such as your street address and insurance
information. That way, in the future, you’ll spend less
time checking in.
Q: Do I need to download an app to do mobile check-in?
A: Nope! There is no app to download or login information
to remember. To check in with Phreesia, you’ll simply click
the link we’ll send you via email or text message.
Q: Can I complete the forms in a language other than English?
A: Yes! Mobile registration is available in 20 different
languages. You can choose your preferred language
when you begin check-in.
Q: What happens if I can’t finish my registration before the appointment?
A: That’s okay! If you didn’t complete registration before
the visit, just let us know. We’ll be happy to send you a
new link. And don’t worry—Phreesia saves information
you entered previously.